Some leaders appear to sap intelligence and capacity from others around them using their managerial style. They concentrate on their own abilities and determination to be the brightest person in the room. This, in essence, hurts the rest of the population.
Others, instead of using intelligence as a weapon, utilize it as a tool. They use their intelligence to boost the intelligence and competence of others around them.
Wiseman refers to the second set of leaders as Multipliers. Multipliers are brilliant creators. Multipliers bring out each person's individual brilliance and foster a culture of genius—innovation, hard work, and collective knowledge.
As an example, Wiseman mentions Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Inc. When Cook was COO and opened a budget review in one of the sales divisions, he informed the management team that revenue growth was the strategic priority.
Everyone expected that, but they were taken aback when he requested the expansion without supplying extra personnel.
Apple executives, who were firmly rooted in the logic of resource allocation and addition, argued:
- Our workforce is overworked.
- Our most capable employees are also the most overworked.
- As a result, completing a larger work necessitates additional resources: the Logic of Addition.
Cook, on the other hand, was discussing multiplication logic.
- The majority of employees in businesses are underused.
- With the right sort of leadership, any capacity can be exploited.
- As a result, intelligence and ability may be increased without increasing investment.
Multipliers use the multiplication logic. The edges of multipliers are sharp. Multipliers anticipate remarkable outcomes from their employees and motivate them to achieve them. They aren't only results-oriented; they're also harsh and demanding.
Multipliers make individuals feel knowledgeable and capable, but not in the way that "feel-good" supervisors do. They look inside individuals and see potential, and they want to tap into it all and make the most of it. They've seen a lot and have high expectations.
The Five Disciplines of the Multiplier
Discipline 1: Attracting and Optimizing Talent

Multipliers are magnets for talent; no matter who owns the resource, they draw and unleash talent to its maximum potential. People want to come to work with them because they believe they will grow and succeed.
Look for Talent Everywhere
Talent Magnets are continually on the lookout for new talent, and they don't limit their search to their immediate surroundings.
Knowing that intelligence has various dimensions, multipliers spread a wide net and look for talent in different places and forms.
Talent Magnets are oblivious to organizational boundaries in their pursuit of the best talent. They notice many types of intellect everywhere. Talent Magnets exist in a world where there are no hierarchical or lateral barriers. They perceive talent networks instead.
Find People's Native Genius
People's initial reaction to hearing someone else describe a genius is frequently amusement.
When they say, "Really?" you know you've struck a brilliant nerve. "Isn't this something that everyone can do?" or "Well, this isn't a huge deal!"
Discovering and naming people's natural brilliance is a direct technique to eliciting greater intellect from them.
Connect People with Opportunities
People are utilized at their maximum point of contribution when leaders link people's inherent interests and innate talent to significant possibilities.
Are there any members of your team who, under the appropriate circumstances, might lead a revolution? Are there any members of your team that isn't being utilized to their full potential?
Remove the Blockers
It simply takes a little pause to recognize the terrible price of destructive talent. Even if the blockers are themselves, many leaders are aware of who they are. The most common blunder they make is not removing them quickly enough.
Is it conceivable that your brightest employees are hindering your company's smarts? Is it possible that you've been putting off removing the blockers for too long?
Discipline 2: Creating Intensity that Requires Best Thinking

Multipliers create a one-of-a-kind, highly inspiring work atmosphere where everyone is free to think and perform their best job.
Multipliers establish the environment for the intellect to be used, developed, and translated into tangible results. They free employees from the constraints of restrictive procedures. Multipliers are a type of liberator.
Key Practices of the Liberator:
Create Space and the Right Environment
Everyone needs a certain ample space. We require room in which to contribute and function.
Liberators do not really take it for granted that everyone has enough space. They make it possible for others to participate by carving out space for them.
However, space is more than simply a physical idea. Liberators make it possible for others to participate and express their views. They use their ears to do this.
Liberators aren't merely good listeners; they're furious listeners as well. They listen to satisfy their need for information, absorb what other people know, and use it to the organization's advantage.
Demand People's Best Work
Liberators ensure that a standard is established. They ensure that everyone understands what excellent is while also ensuring that nothing else is acceptable. They stand up for the measure.
Setting the bar at the appropriate level motivates teams to put out their best efforts and work toward a single and well-understood objective. Liberators make a distinction between the finest effort and the results.
Even if the best work is done, the desired results are not reached. That's not a failure to a Liberator; it is a catalyst for learning from past mistakes or sub-optimal performance. A chance to acknowledge and share errors in open, blame-free learning sessions.
Discipline 3: Extending Challenges

Multipliers take on the role of Challengers, always pushing themselves and others to go beyond what they already know.
What are their methods for accomplishing this? They plant seeds of opportunity, pose challenges that extend the organization, and in doing so, instill confidence in the process and passion for it.
The Three Practices of the Challenger:
Seed the Opportunity
Multipliers recognize that individuals develop as a result of challenges. They realize that intellect develops as a result of being pushed and tested. So, even if the leader has a clear vision for the future, they do not just hand it off to others.
Multipliers do not provide solutions. Rather, they start a discovery process: they give just enough information to get people thinking and enable them to uncover and realize the possibility for themselves. Allowing someone else to discover an opportunity is one of the finest ways to seed it.
People gain a profound grasp of issues when they can see the need for themselves, and frequently, all the leader needs to do is stay out of the way and let them figure it out.
Lay Down a Challenge
Multipliers set the task at hand so that it produces a large stretch for a company once an opportunity is sown and intellectual power is developed.
They issue a direct and specific challenge. Then they pose the tough questions that must be answered to complete the challenge, but they do not really answer them. They delegated the task of filling in the blanks to others.
Generate Belief
By seeding the opportunity and laying down a challenge, people are interested in what is possible. But this isn't enough to create movement.
Multipliers generate the belief that the impossible is possible. It isn't enough that people see and understand the stretch; they need to stretch themselves. Multipliers make people believe in themselves. Like the best sports coaches, they can pump up people to think they "are the greatest."
Discipline 4: Debating Decisions

Debate Makers are Multipliers who use the thorough debate to drive smart conclusions. They encourage a decision-making process that contains all of the organization's knowledge to carry out those decisions.
The Three Practices of the Debate Maker:
Frame the Issue
A well-made frame is made up of four parts:
- QUESTION: What will be the final decision? What do we have to choose from?
- WHY: Why is this an important question to respond to? Why is it important for everyone to have a say in this decision? What happens if it isn't dealt with?
- WHO: Who will be engaged in the decision-making process? Who will provide ideas?
- HOW: What will be used to make the ultimate decision? Will it be decided by a simple majority? General agreement? Or will you (or whoever) create the top choice after hearing from others and considering their suggestions?
When a leader has properly defined the issues, the team members realize where to concentrate their efforts.
Spark the Debate
Multipliers start the argument after defining the problem. A great discussion, according to Wiseman, has four elements. The following topic is hotly debated:
- ENGAGING: The question is interesting and essential to everyone in the room.
- COMPREHENSIVE: The appropriate information is presented to create a complete and communal grasp of the challenges at hand.
- FACT-BASED: Rather than being based on opinion, the argument is based on facts.
- EDUCATIONAL: People are more interested in what they learned after the discussion than who managed to win or lose.
Multipliers establish a safe environment for people's finest thoughts by fostering debate. They accomplish this by reducing fear.
They eliminate the elements that drive individuals to question themselves or their ideas and the anxiety that causes them to be cautious.
Despite this, they continue to push for progress. They pose the types of queries that defy conventional wisdom. They are the ones that ask the probing inquiries that reveal the preconceptions that are holding the company back.
Drive a Sound Decision
Multipliers like a good argument, but they have a specific goal in mind: making a good choice. This is accomplished in three ways.
They begin by clarifying the decision-making process. Second, they either make a choice themselves or openly assign it to someone else. Finally, they convey the option as well as the reasoning behind it.
Discipline 5: Instilling Ownership and Accountability

Multipliers achieve and maintain great outcomes by instilling high standards throughout the business. They act as investors, supplying the resources required for success. They also hold people responsible for their obligations.
The Three Practices of the Investor:
Defining Ownership
The first step in this cycle is for investors to achieve ownership. They see intellect and talent in those around them and place them in positions of authority. Clearly defining the position of the employee as owner really increases their ownership.
When people are given only a component of a broader project, they try to maximize that area, confining their thinking to the local realm.
People expand their thoughts and challenge themselves to go beyond their scope when given ownership of the entire. The employee now recognizes the extent of their engagement and when and how you, as the leader, will contribute to their accomplishment.
Investing Resources: Teach and Coach
Leaders invest in their people's abilities to solve and prevent difficulties in the future whenever they educate. This is one of the most effective methods for Multipliers to surround themselves with intelligence.
Rather than diving in, the Investor offers a backup plan. Leaders have sowed the seeds of success and acquired the authority to hold others accountable when establishing clear ownership and investing in others.
The best way to learn, according to multipliers, is by experience. They play the function of sensei - the organizational Mr. Miyagi - by developing and using cognitive muscle memory for corporate benefit.
Holding People Accountable
A Multiplier leader understands how to hold his employees accountable. He is completely absorbed, but he does not assume command. He allows people to make their own decisions while maintaining control.
He demands comprehensive work and will not accept omissions or deficiencies. A multiplier, on the other hand, takes into account natural consequences. The multiplier is cognizant of broader effects and restrictions and is sensitive to results if they have an impact.
The feeling of care and trust that arises from their growing talents increases the urge for the worker to go the additional mile and strive harder to achieve.