Would the ability to maybe one day influence your customers or work colleagues be valuable to you? Michael Pantalon wrote the book Instant Influence to provide this information.
Here is a scientifically supported method that makes people take action because they want to.
You can use the Instant Influence methodology on yourself.
After spending a few minutes with us, you'll be well on your way to achieving mastery of influence.
Can you motivate anyone in 7 minutes?
Have you ever wondered why the individuals in your life refuse to change, despite the countless rational explanations you've given them? As it turns out, persuading like this seldom, if ever, works.
People change for their reasons, as Pantalon explains. Instant Influence's secret sauce helps individuals find their rationale for doing something, even if it's something they don't want to do.
The change will not occur if someone truly does not want to change.
Even the most apprehensive among us, though, have a glimmer of yearning to change. Finding that spark and assisting us in finding it may change our lives.
When people hear themselves declare that they want to do something, they do it. Get someone to tell you why, and you'll almost certainly take action to change.
Pantalon's Instant Influence technique is based on this idea, which he expands with the following four assumptions:
1. We have complete control over our actions.
2. Attempts to impose control by others can jeopardize that freedom.
3. When our independence is endangered, we tend to respond adversely, making us more resistant to the control that is being applied.
4. By exerting self-determination and taking charge of our own lives, we may reclaim our freedom.
The most important consideration is how we phrase our attempt to influence. We must use the frame of our attention rather than our own:
"This is your choice, not mine."
"It's entirely your choice."
"You have complete freedom to do whatever you want."
"I can't make this decision for you; it's entirely up to you."
All of these things restore power to the influencee, brighten the spark, and ignite transformation.
The Instant Influence technique by Pantanlon consists of six incremental phases that lead to transformation. We may need to progress through each stage under difficult conditions.
In other situations, the influencee takes control and accelerates the process after sparking it.
Let's start with one step at a time.
Step #1: Why might you change?
The first obstacle we must overcome is putting the influencee in a position to envision themselves in the ideal circumstance.
Most of the time, you'll have figured out what you want to alter and how you want things to turn out.
It's no surprise to your family member who doesn't eat a nutritious diet that going down that path might result in health issues.
As a result, you must structure inquiries so that the influencee is challenged to envision themselves in that situation.
Instead of focusing on the negative conduct, Pantalon recommends that we search for desirable behavior near our goal.
He recommends asking questions such as, "Why are you doing...?" (Where the emphasis is near to the objective.)
For example, for someone trying to reduce weight, "Why did you pick salad today?" "Why would you want to accomplish more?" is a good follow-up question.
Pantanlon recommends that we go back and ask ourselves, "Why have you ever[done the thing we're discussing]?"
We must avoid some inquiries, particularly those that sound like instructions, as we have identified: Why don't you...? Why haven't you done so...? Why wouldn't you want to...?
Pantalon then advises that we employ a method known as reflection, which psychologists and counselors use.
Reflection is the act of repeating or echoing what another person has just said, as though holding up a mirror to his words.
Even the slightest spark of inspiration must be reflected back to let the other person understand more clearly what he already desires.
The fire needs more oxygen, or it will go out.
Step #2: How ready are you to change?
The second stage begins with a deceptively easy question: on a scale of one to ten, where one means "not at all ready" and ten indicates "completely ready," how prepared are you to make that change?
Step 2's objective is to assist you and the other person in determining their motive.
Pantalon recommends that we don't place too much emphasis on numbers.
A low number does not imply that they are unlikely to act, and a large number does not mean that they are likely to act.
The act of considering why someone would want to do something is more significant than the number.
Then we immediately go on to the third step.
Step #3: Why didn't you pick a lower number?
This is the point at which the technique becomes intriguing. Why would someone, who they believe is encouraging them to accomplish more, inquire why we didn't do less?
When someone chooses a low number, they are generally stopped in their tracks. Then they'll begin to consider why they didn't select a "1" rather than a "3."
This is where the person begins to discover some genuine reasons for wanting to change.
The important thing to remember is that the reasons for change come from their mouths, not yours.
They will no longer be told what to do and will instead feel ready to change because they desire it. This is potent material.
Step #4: Imagine you've changed. What would the positive outcomes be?
This is when the advantages of change begin to take shape. We might imply that the shift has already occurred and urge the individual to picture it in detail.
Inquire about what they would change in their lives. What can they do now that they've changed that they couldn't before?
If you think things are going well, you may even ask for a timeline for when you feel the work will be finished.
According to Pantanlon's research, people are significantly more likely to change if they consider the benefits of doing so rather than the risks of not doing so.
Step #5: Why are those outcomes important to you?
We're coming close to a noticeable change in step 5. But first, let's put ourselves in the shoes of the influencee.
Pantalon suggests that we invite them to go deep inside themselves for reasons to make the change. The tried-and-true Five Whys method comes in handy here. "Why are those results essential to you?" and "why are those outcomes significant to you?"
You've most certainly reached a real personal reason, near to the heart of the impact, by the time you get to the fifth why.
At this point, don't be shocked if they grow emotional. It may be a long road at times. Invariably, the responses go from the practical and impersonal to the passionate and intensely personal, almost magically.
Reflection is a useful method yet again. The influencee requires feedback on how you comprehend their optimism, what they want, why they desire it, and how they genuinely feel things might be better.
Step #6: What's the next step, if any?
The third stage focuses on the hows rather than the whys. "What, if any, is the following step?" Adding those two little phrases - if any - is another method to reaffirm the other person's autonomy: the next step is still up to her to determine.
You're now ready to take one final action.
Request permission to meet with them again after a reasonable amount of time has passed to assess progress and recommit to the change.
As previously indicated, all six stages may not be required. Using a systematic strategy to inspire change may often be the catalyst for the influencee to take charge of their destiny.
Influencing yourself
We've spent a lot of time talking about influencing others, but the Instant Affect approach may also be used to influence oneself.
Pantalon's self-influence procedure is as follows:
Determine a change you want to make or a step you want to take. Formulate it in terms of actions rather than outcomes.
Write out the first Instant Influence question (Why may I change? ), followed by your response. Continue to the following step, noting your reactions until you reach Step 5.
When you come to Step 5, ask yourself, "Why?" and then respond. Rep four times more until you've asked and answered all five whys.
When you reach Step 6, select a small, manageable next step and pick a time when you will reassess your progress and choose another step.
Advice for applying the method
Start small, then continue to look for smaller and smaller first steps until you find one that feels safe or that you can imagine doing.
Allow for the possibility of many solutions to any given problem.
Concentrate on doing the action rather than making decisions. We frequently place too much emphasis on the how when we should be concentrating on the why.
However, sometimes the how is the issue, and learning new abilities might help keep the ball rolling.
Don't pass judgment or censor yourself. Be receptive to the process.
Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Almost probably, you'll discover something new about your motivations for desiring something.
Have faith in the process. Don't feel obligated to urge yourself to behave; you may find yourself doing so almost unconsciously.
Have you sought advice from a professional? Experts may be able to determine if the issue is one of talent or one of knowledge.
Motivation is similar to a seed that sprouts and starts to develop underground. We may be aware that it exists, but we may not necessarily have faith that it will emerge into the light one day.
Recognize the influencee's right to refuse. Declare that they are the ones who made a choice.