Book Summary: Convert Every Click

We all understand the importance of website optimization. It assists us in achieving our goals of increased sales, referrals, and exposure. The issue is that most optimization exercises focus on just one page at a time.

Many businesses, according to Benji Rabhan, go wrong in this area. He proposes that we adopt a comprehensive strategy and consider optimizing all components.

There isn't a single component that operates by itself; everything has an impact on something else. Our websites are a microcosm of a larger ecosystem. Are we able to grasp the influence of one element on other parts when we tamper with it? No, according to Rabhan.

This ecosystem is taken into account by Holistic Conversion Rate Optimization (HCRO).

While we may focus on specific pages and analytics, HCRO takes a holistic approach. What happens when visitors arrive on the website is just as essential as what occurs when they depart.

In "Convert Every Click," Rabhan walks us through a step-by-step approach for efficiently using HCRO concepts.

Unfortunately, 10 minutes is insufficient to go through each step, so we've concentrated on a few areas where we believe instant advantage may be gained by following Rabhan's recommendations. But, before we get into these topics, the author offers some solid advice.

Change, Test, Assess, Consolidate.

A man is holding a tablet correct the test.

As previously stated, HCRO is based on an ecosystem concept. A website is made up of many interconnected components that function together. This fact informs Rabhan's insistence throughout the book that we do everything with intentional measuring.

We start by determining what we want to change. The key to success is to make it quantifiable. We can more readily assess success or failure this way, which is what the second stage is all about.

We must create and assess a hypothesis, just like any good statistician. We're altering component X because we think it'll make component Y better.

  • This hypothesis has to be tested.
  • Measure before achievement.
  • Make the change.
  • Wait a reasonable amount of time.
  • Measure the new outcome.

Is it in line with your expectations? Yes? That's great, but we're not done yet. We need to go on to step three, which is to assess.

We're in the assessment stage now, and we're looking at possible outcomes.

Were we able to influence Z by altering X and improving Y? Was that a positive or bad effect? Obviously, if we get a favorable result, we can move on to step four and permanent adjustment. However, if we find poor results, we must reconsider our method.

We may obtain the advantages of HCRO sustainably and understandably. That's if we apply the above assessment approach to every iterative modification. Now let's look at a few instances where there may be an immediate impact.

The Fold

Let's take a look at "the fold." The name derives from folding broadsheet newspapers in half for convenience of delivery and shelf space. As a result, the top half of the newspaper's front page became significant, as well as the location of the "scoops."

Above the fold refers to the part of a web page that may be seen without scrolling.

In other situations, internet marketers have polarized the concept by claiming that everything must fit above the fold if we want to convert someone. Others have concluded that consumers have learned to scroll more, allowing designers to be more imaginative.

Relevance and Design

It's all about exceeding the RIGHT customer's expectations.

Let's consider graphic design. It usually focuses on aesthetic ideals and other aspects, such as branding. Applying these concepts to our website might result in a visually appealing site. These factors are essential, but they are only one part of the conversion rate optimization equation.

Making it attractive and elegant, according to Rabhan, is vital but just a secondary priority. The idea that visitors assess a web page in a fraction of a second is his initial concern.

Our brain travels through three psychological conversion checkpoints in a fraction of a second before the conscious mind even views a web page, according to Rabhan:

  1. Is this page useful?
  2. Is it believable?
  3. Is what they're giving of sufficient value to persuade people to convert?

The final aim is to make our prospect's lizard brain happy by designing a web page that passes all of these tests.

Rabhan advises that we look at the page objectively and question ourselves:

  • Is it appropriate for our target audience?
  • Does it provide the target visitors a sense of trustworthiness?
  • Is it professional enough to be trusted?
  • Is the deal good?
  • Is it even close to what visitors really want?
  • Is the offer clear enough for them to understand in the time they have?

If we answered no to any of these questions, we've discovered an excellent spot to start rewriting and testing.

Color, Contrast and the Eye-Blur Test

The way we color our pages and the concentration of colors in particular areas of a page, according to Rabhan, may have a subconscious effect on users. These things have a major impact on how users engage.

For example, suppose we put one bright red element in the bottom right corner of a largely black and white website. In that case, visitors' eyes will be pulled to the bright red element since it sticks out from the rest of the page.

While this may seem self-evident, the same rationale applies when the distinction is more nuanced. In other words, when viewed against a backdrop or another object on the page, contrast causes one thing to stand out and become more apparent.

Colors have particular connections in the brain, in addition to contrast. Perhaps you think of green as calm, like a grassy meadow, and red as fiery.

Maybe you believe that green denotes "go" and red represents "stop." Consider the audience and what colors signify to them, and keep in mind that colors have various meanings in different civilizations.

The Eye-Blur Test is a simple way for Rabhan to determine the influence of color and contrast. The goal is to strain our eyes at the screen until our eyesight is hazy and the screen is blurred.

Smaller text on the page should fade away, and lower contrast components, such as gray text on a white backdrop, should fade away to the point that we don't see them.

Other details or colors that are brighter or have a higher contrast will stand out. Based on the colors and contrasts, you'll be able to observe how the page is weighted for the user right away.

A Call (or Two) to Action.

A business man is dealing with his customer.

Returning to "the fold," one approach to improve above and below is to include a call to action for each section. We may boost conversions by presenting our offer once per screen rather than once for the full page.

According to Rabhan, including a call to action on each screen not only increases the chances of people converting, but it also allows us to target different sorts of people.

People that scroll down below the fold, for example, are more likely to be research-oriented and want to understand every detail about a product. Thus opt-in offerings like instructional guides, extensive tutorials, and demos perform better below the fold.

Above the fold, a call to action in a link, button, or brief capture online form would be ideal for spontaneous or quick-decision personalities to act on their impulses.

Copy? What's in it for me?

All of the language in our titles, product descriptions, offers, value propositions, pay-per-click advertisements, and e-mails—any writing engaged in our marketing and sales—is referred to as copy.

By presenting the offer or message in convincing words, copy adds to the value side of the checklist. People must understand what they are receiving and how it will benefit them.

Copy may help establish credibility by mentioning promises, accomplishments, awards, or media appearances and providing testimonials and endorsements.

When it comes to making decisions, human beings are essentially worried about themselves. "How does it benefit me?"

Make sure the copy on your website isn't focused on the company. The prospect will have to interpret what it means for them, which can be another step that prevents them from converting.

The Get Principle

People, according to Rabhan, want to obtain something: knowledge, a product, a service, or self-confidence. They're looking for proof that they're correct about something.

Give them anything they desire. But don't tell them what we'll offer; instead, tell them what they'll get. GET rather than GIVE.

When in doubt, we should think about the word "get" to steer our thoughts on the proper path.

Furthermore, utilizing the word get in our buttons and links will almost always result in higher conversions than using terms like 'submit' or 'discover more.' People don't want to submit; they want to get, therefore remind them that the transaction is about them, not us.

Make me an offer I can't refuse!

A woman give an offer that the man can't refuse.

Finally, consider Rabhan's eight keys to crafting an attractive offer.

  1. Our offer should be based on the genuine desires of our prospects. The closer we get to what people really want, the more money, knowledge, time, and other resources they'll be ready to provide.
  2. Make a compelling headline. It should describe the problem the visitor is attempting to address as well as our answer.
  3. Show it to me! Every claim we make could use some kind of proof, whether graphs, screenshots, or customer testimonials.
  4. Benefits, not features, should be listed. Features are what we provide, while benefits are what people receive.
  5. Make multiple calls to action (use links, buttons, and photos). Above the fold, include at least one call to action.
  6. Provide benefits. People enjoy receiving free gifts.
  7. Make it simple. People, whether they admit it or not, like things to be simple.
  8. Make use of numbers. Numbers bring things to life, and they may be quite useful in our copy.

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