Donald Miller desires that we all be value-driven professionals. We're not talking about someone who lives out their "core values"; we're talking about someone who can provide a great financial return to their boss or consumers.
The aim of this book is that you'll learn:
- how to handle a team,
- release a product,
- promote and sell the hell out of it, and then
- keep refining your methods in the future to obtain even greater results.
This is the book for you if you've ever questioned what kind of skills you'd need to master to boost your actual value as a working professional.
We'll spend the next 10 minutes exploring the ten different business sectors where value is created.
Leadership Made Simple

Value-driven leaders are clear and persuasive. They do an excellent job of uniting and motivating their staff.
They begin by developing a captivating mission statement and core principles. Ensure it's concise, engaging, and memorable.
Here's a nice formula: Because of ______, we will achieve by ______.
Second, they identify the important attributes that they and their team must cultivate, ensuring that they are both aspirational and instructional.
- Aspirational, so their employees understand what type of people they should be to complete the objective.
- And instructional so they know what kind of people they need to be when the stakes are high (almost always).
Third, they outline three important repeatable acts that every member of the company must execute to contribute to its goal.
Fourth, they use a tried-and-true structure to convey a compelling tale about where they want to go:
- Describe the issue that the firm is assisting people with.
- Agitate the situation to exacerbate it.
- Present your firm as a solution to a problem.
- Describe the beneficial outcomes that will occur as a consequence of your collaboration.
Lastly, they develop their "why." It's a concise statement of why their company exists and serves as a filter for everything that has to be accomplished.
Productivity Made Simple

Value-driven professionals are extremely productive. And they've developed and perfected a method that they use every day to make the most of their most valuable resource: time.
To begin, they make informed judgments about how they spend their time. Each morning, ask yourself this simple question: what will I regret doing or not doing when the day ends?
Second, they set priorities for their most important duties. Make two separate lists for yourself. Just three items should be on the initial list, and these should be your most critical activities or goals. These tasks are completed first. Everything else is on the second list, which does not begin until the first one is completed.
Third, they make the most of their "power hours." Figure out when you're most productive (for most people, it's in the morning) and focus on your list of priorities then.
Fourth, they avoid distractions to focus on their priorities. Be ruthless when it comes to eliminating them.
Ultimately, they schedule their time so that they may do more. They shut out the remainder of their day after their morning routine of thought and commitment to their top goals.
Business Strategy Made Simple

Value-driven professionals understand how business works in practice, understand that effort must result in output, and understand that cash flow is the lifeblood of any organization and division.
First, they recognize that a company is like a machine with many moving components that operate together. Overhead, products and services, advertising, profits, and cash flow are components.
Second, they keep their overhead as low as possible while still moving the business forward. They'll constantly ask themselves things like, "How much would this plan raise our overhead?"
Third, they create and market the appropriate goods. Companies and entrepreneurs frequently overlook the obvious question of whether or not there is demand for the products and services they supply and will they profit from it?
Fourth, they place a premium on marketing. They will frequently build the marketing before the product to test demand before making a significant investment. This has a dual purpose: it confirms client interest while also clarifying your message.
Fifth, they understand how to operate a sales system and map out a sales path for their prospects. They also know how to keep track of where each candidate is at all times along that journey.
Last, they understand how to safeguard cash flow and know that the company would fail without it. It's vital to understand everything that might affect it, such as profit margins, revenue-to-cash cycles, and how new product releases will affect those things.
Messaging Made Simple

Value-driven individuals understand how to clarify a message and can assist their team in developing a clear statement to promote any product or service that their firm produces.
To begin, they engage their clients by telling a tale. We'll go over what to put in that tale in the next sections. Still, you can read more about it in Miller's book Building a StoryBrand, also available through the system.
Second, they make the client, not the brand, the hero. Smart businesses constantly portray themselves as the hero's guide.
Third, they recognize that the current difficulty that the consumer is experiencing is the hook. Instead of conveying their own narrative, they will focus on what the consumer is experiencing. Continue to ask yourself questions like "what hurdle are you eliminating for your customer?" and "what hardship are you alleviating?"
They also make explicit calls to action. According to Miller, if you don't tell individuals exactly what to do, they will most likely do nothing.
Fifth, they establish the stakes and give the situation a feeling of urgency. They make it very apparent what is at stake whether they purchase or do not purchase their goods. If you don't make it clear, what's at risk for the other person—positively (if they are buying your product) and negatively (if they do not)? There's no hook to entice people to enter.
Marketing Made Simple
Value-driven professionals may create a marketing and sales funnel that converts prospects into customers.
First, they understand and know how to create messages for the three stages that all relationships go through:
- curiosity (showing them that their survival may be in jeopardy)
- enlightenment (showing them whether or not you can help them survive)
- commitment (showing them that you are committed to helping them survive when they are ready to make a commitment to move forward)
Second, they understand how to create a memorable one-liner or slogan. There should be three parts to it:
- a problem,
- your product as a solution, and
- the outcome.
Third, they understand how to wireframe an excellent website that passes the "grunt test." It demands someone with the intellect of a cave dweller to recognize three things in less than five seconds, according to Miller:
- What do you offer?
- How will it improve my life?
- What would I need to do to purchase it?
Fourth, they understand how to obtain email addresses by providing useful and free material. You may persuade a prospect to hand you their email address by giving something that a prospect would fairly feel is worth twenty dollars. Simply keep it brief and to the point, and make it answer a specific problem.
Finally, they understand how to use an email campaign to complete the deal. When you have the email, you may create a long-term connection based on trust. Some prospects will buy from you right away, while others will take months or years. Simply ensure that your discussions are beneficial.
Communication Made Simple
Value-driven workers are excellent communicators who can motivate and inspire their staff to take action that benefits the company.
First and foremost, they know how to deliver a powerful presentation. They always begin and conclude with the problem they're helping their audience solve.
Second, they are certain that all of the subpoints in their presentations are relevant to the broader story they are attempting to tell. They also ensure that:
- These subpoints speak to a straightforward solution to the audience's difficulties.
- Each phase is positioned as a subplot to the main tale.
They also hint at a climax moment. You encourage the audience to desire to do something large when you show them that it is doable.
They challenge their viewers to take action too. In short words, they instruct them just what to do.
Finally, they state clearly what their communication topic is. Suppose you comment, "The primary focus of my presentation is ______" several times and make it the final thing you mention. In that case, your listeners will know precisely what you want to learn.
Sales Made Simple

Value-driven professionals know how to sell. And they've perfected a framework that will help them from the moment they introduce their products and services to prospects until the transaction is closed.
To begin, they can qualify a lead, which indicates that your prospect:
- Has an issue that your product will cure (pain).
- Has the financial resources to acquire your product (budget).
- Has the authority to purchase your product (purchase authority).
Second, they encourage their consumers to participate in a story that goes like this. I see that you're having trouble with this situation and that it's giving you a lot of frustration. By resolving the issue, our solution reduces this frustration. We've collaborated with many businesses to tackle this issue, and the following are the outcomes.
Let's make a step-by-step strategy for you to accomplish the same.
Third, they are well-versed in their talking points. Again, they serve as a guide rather than a hero. In terms of marketing, the guide introduces the protagonist, provides a strategy to overcome their dilemma, and foreshadows the climactic conclusion. It's a good idea to start and end the sales session with your talking points.
Fourth, they understand how to design a fantastic proposal template and tailor it to each prospect. The following is how your proposal should go:
- Define the prospect's problem.
- Present the product and how it addresses the issue.
- Demonstrate the strategy to implement the solution.
- Price and choices.
- The outcome of the problem resolution.
They also know how to complete a transaction. They have a lot of faith in their proposition and the value it can provide to the prospect, and it shows in their body language. In other words, they feel they can draw their prospects into a tale that will change their life.
Negotiation Made Simple
Professionals that place a high value on their work are excellent negotiators. Rather than going with their instinct, they stick to a set of simple principles and strategies that yield them the greatest outcomes.
First and foremost, they understand the distinction between cooperative and competitive discussions. According to the general rule of thumb, when one side is collaborative, and the other is competitive, the competitive side will nearly always prevail. As a result, if you realize the opposing side is competitive, you should be as well.
Second, go beyond the surface to arrive at a satisfactory outcome for the opposite party after the negotiation. This involves emotional pleasure; negotiating results are more than simply statistics.
Third, they make the first offer whenever possible since it sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. In practically every negotiation, this is a strategic advantage.
Fourth, they do not develop an emotional attachment to the game. When you have an excessive desire for something, you begin to make poor judgments. Make sure you know what your best alternative to a negotiated deal is at all times.
Management Made Simple

Professionals that place a high value on their work make excellent managers. They understand how to design and monitor manufacturing processes to ensure efficiency and profitability.
They begin by establishing clear priorities. Measurable, lucrative, and scalable priorities are required.
Second, they determine the most important performance metrics. As Miller points out, numbers teach exceptional managers how to challenge and build their people and keep track of the score.
Third, they develop techniques that boost the activity-to-output ratio. The idea is to constantly consider and implement strategies to enhance your procedures.
Fourth, they provide useful feedback early and frequently so that processes may continue to improve. Follow these guidelines to make critical feedback as helpful as possible:
- Give feedback as soon as possible.
- Ask your team to investigate what happened with you.
- Demonstrate a different way of responding the next time.
- Reassure them that you would like them to succeed and that they can always come to you for support.
Finally, they are more than cheerleaders; rather, they serve as mentors for the team, increasing their presence in the company.
There are five things that a great business coach is capable of.
- They want their employees to thrive in their present position and profession.
- They can provide a fair assessment of each team member's abilities.
- Rather than assuming they know what needs to be done, they teach their staff.
- They provide constructive and safe criticism so they can improve.
- They feel proud of their team members' accomplishments.
Execution Made Simple
Value-driven professionals know how to operate an execution system and have a framework to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed.
For starters, new projects are always kicked off with a launch meeting. They:
- Establish clear goals for success.
- Choose project leaders.
- Determine what resources are required.
- Define timetables with significant milestones.
Second, they inculcate the usage of a document known as the "one-pager" by Miller, a developing document containing all of the project's key information.
Third, they do weekly brief check-ins during which they go over three assertions and ask three questions.
The statements are:
- Review the project's success declaration,
- Evaluate the department's overall priorities, and
- Examine each team member's personal priorities.
The following are the questions that each person is asked:
- What have you accomplished?
- What are your plans for the future?
- What's stopping you from making progress?
Fourth, they manage to keep score and stress on leading measures rather than lag measures, which are the actions that lead to outcomes. For example, overall sales for the quarter is a lagging measure, but the number of sales calls made is a leading metric.
Ultimately, they acknowledge and celebrate team accomplishments to further their team's transition into value-driven professionals.
Now you have it: the ten areas where you should concentrate your efforts to become a value-driven professional.
It's a lot of work, but if you're prepared to put in the effort, you'll become a member of an extremely exclusive and prestigious organization.